Monday, October 26, 2009

itz not my fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im not involve in it!!!!!!!!

i jz tell hem wut i feel.....

wutz wrong wif it!!!!!!!!

it not my fault........

but it seems lyke evry1 want 2 blame me n angah 4 evrytink!!!!!!!!

wtf wif them?????????

they said dat now 0-0 but.................

wuts happening now??????????

evr1 blame us 4 evrytink jz bcoz of 1 "person" crying n until now we didnt noe the reason y she was crying!!!!!!!!!!

hm....i dun lyke to be hypocrite lyke them!!!!!!!!!

until noe we dunoe the reason y they behave lyke dat!!!!!!!!!

BLANK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!

wut happen 2 me????????

should i miz him??????

n when he kiz me it jz feel da sme!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notink had change!!!!!!!!!!

jz get out of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!

i cnt keep on thinking bout u!!!!!!!!!!

stop hunting me!!!!!!!!!!!

jz leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!


all boyz r bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!

blank off!!!!!!!!!!!!

wutz gonna happen 2morrow???????

hm....kind of scared!!!!!!!!!

2morrow i've had an appointment wif chief departmnt at 8.30 am.....

but at diz tyme ( 2.45am ) im still on9 at mcD ahakz!!!!!!!!

wut should i said 2 her?????????

should i jz admit my mistake??????

no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i won't do it k ahakz!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

8 word i alwaz use!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diz is the word i use to end an argument when u are right and u need to shut up!!!!!!!!!!

Diz is the calm b4 the storm. diz means sumtink,n u should be on ur toes. Arguments dat begin wif notink usually end in fine!!!!!!!!!

Go Ahead
Diz is a dare, not permission. Dun Do It!!!!!!

Loud Sigh
Diz is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means i thinks you are an idiot n wonders y im wasting my time standing here n arguing wif u about notink!!!!!!!!!!!

That's Okay
diz is one of the most dangerous statements i can mke 2 a man. That's okay means i wants to think long n hard b4 deciding how and when u will pay for ur mistake!!!!!!!!!!!

if im thanking you, dun question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless im says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and im not thanking u at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' ... that will bring on a 'whatever')!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iz my way of saying FUCK DAT BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

Dun worry about it, I got it
Another dangerous statement, meaning there  iz something that i've told a man to do several times, but now im doing it myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!